I know, 4th of July is not here yet. Lol! But, as I was thinking about what’s most appealing to me – time freedom or location independence, I realize that both are equally important to me. Both are tied to the core reason why I started my virtual assistant business, which was to be available for my kids as they were growing up.

My business needed to provide the flexibility that I needed to work around my kids’ schedules and needs, and it was equally as vital that I be present with my kids. Working from home (remotely) was the only option for me if I was to realize my dream.

A flexible schedule initially meant that managing my time well was critical. I had to maximize the time when my kids were taking naps or playing with their toys — That is when they were infants and toddlers. When they went to preschool, that meant that I had to be efficient while they were away in school so that I was available and present when they got back home. When they were in elementary school (my last born son is a corona graduate), flexibility meant that I could attend field trips, “student of the month” ceremonies and school performances. I was able to plan my time to meet my clients’ deadlines and still be there for my kids. And flexibility also meant that I did have a traditional 9-5 work schedule until my kids were in school, and I had to take breaks if necessary to attend their school activities and pick them up from their schools. Time management became one of the many side skills that I gained while running my business. I learned how to prioritize the most critical tasks while balancing my personal, family, and clients’ needs.

On the other hand, location independence was crucial to me when my kids were little but not as important now that they are older. Before they started going to school, I wanted to be their primary caregiver, so I needed to be physically present. So although I needed location independence, it was specific to working from home (and not from my employer’s location). Now, I don’t have to work from home all the time. I can enjoy a lot more location freedom. If I want variety, I could choose to work from a coffee shop just to be around people. I can have phone meetings with my clients or team while on the road. I can visit a friend or relative out of town and still be able to work seamlessly. I can be in any location in the world and provide my services without any hitches. Thank God for the internet and all the infrastructures that are in place to enable such freedom!

As the kids grow and leave the nest, I plan to travel more and work from any location. That, to me, is the beauty of a virtual business. And if you put the right systems in place, man, you can indeed have a company that supports your goals and dreams! And by the way, that is what I teach in my coaching program. I help you create a business that supports your dreams and goals, both short and long team goals.

How about you? What’s most important to you in your current stage in life? Location independence? Time Freedom/Flexibility? Or both?