Finding life balance can be pretty challenging especially when you feel like you are being pulled in a million different directions.

Here are some practical tips to help you find balance when working from home, (and maybe homeschooling too), and juggling kids, husband, friends, relatives, clients, and everything else you’ve got going on.

1. Self -care

Set aside time every day to do at least one thing that nurtures you spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally. Every day, seven to eight hours of sleep is recommended, exercise, or workout for at least forty-five minutes, five days a week. Eat healthy foods that energize your body instead of depleting your energy; Journal, pray, meditate, or read books that inspire and motivate you to be better; and Spend time on your hobbies. Remember, all work and no play makes Jane a dull girl.

2. Identify Your Priorities

List your personal, family, and business priorities. Create a master to-do list, then assign deadlines or due dates to each item. Add these tasks to your calendar and set reminders.
A great book to read is The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey. He talks about setting your priorities in this order:

  • Important and urgent
  • Important and not urgent
  • Not important and urgent
  • Important and not urgent

The activities listed under “important and urgent” take priority over all other tasks. “Not important and not urgent” tasks are activities that you could potentially remove from your tasks list. They could be assigned to someone else or may not need to be done at all. Decide and implement your official family/personal time and work hours — Honor these times as much as possible and keep distractions at bay during your work hours—blocks of uninterrupted time allow you to be super-focused and productive. Set reasonable deadlines with your clients. Make sure that your deadlines are in alignment with your personal/family needs as well.

3. Set Boundaries

  • Say no, often, and try not to work outside your official hours.
  • Don’t take on more work than you can handle, especially if you know it will hurt your meaningful relationships.

4. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

  • When you achieve your goals or hit any milestones you have set for yourself, celebrate — This will motivate you to keep pursuing your goals and dreams.

5. Gather a Support System

  • Create a support system to encourage you and build you up in your personal, family, and business lives. Invest your time and energy in nourishing these relationships. It’s empowering to have your tribe of cheerleaders rooting for you!